Combining previous Local Government Pension Schemes

In the Local Government Pension Fund (LGPS) you will typically have a separate pension account for each employment you have.

If you were previously a member of the LGPS in England or Wales and you re-join the Scheme, you can join your two periods of membership together. When you re-join the LGPS, you should contact us to let us know that you have been a member of the Scheme before. We will write to you to let you know:

  • what your choices are
  • what you need to think about when you are making your decision
  • the time limits for making your decision
  • what happens if you do not make a decision within the time limit.

Find out more on the LGPS website.

Aggregation in the LGPS

Aggregation is the term used to describe the process of combining your previous LGPS pension rights, from pension funds in England and Wales, to your pension account that you are actively contributing towards.

If you have previous LGPS pension in a Scotland or Northern Ireland fund, this will be treated as a Club transfer.

Further information on Club Transfers can be found on the LGPS Member website under 'Benefits in another public sector service pension scheme'