What if I die as a pensioner?

If you die while you are receiving a pension, the payable benefits will depend on when you retired and if you have any dependants when you die. Your loved ones could be entitled to lump sum death payments and/or survivors pensions.

In order for your nominations to receive these payments, you must keep your expression of wish nominations up to date. You can use the 'My Pension' Portal to check and update your nominations or fill out an expression of wish form.

Before we make any decision, we will consider any wishes you have expressed, but are not bound by this.

Lump sum death payment

A lump sum may be payable if you die, however it will depend on when you retired and how many years pension you have received.

If you:

  • Retired before 1 April 2008 a lump sum will be payable if you die before you have taken a full five years' pension.
  • Retired on or after 1 April 2008 a lump sum will be payable if you die before you have taken ten years' full pension.
  • Die on or after age 75 no lump sum can be paid.

Survivor's pension

When you die, we may pay a pension to your husband/wife/civil partner/cohabiting partner and your dependent children.

The amount of pension is based on how long you were in the Surrey Pension Fund Scheme, your pay when you retired, and any dependants you leave. The pension will be payable for life to your husband/wife or your civil partner or your cohabiting partner, even if they remarry.

If you got married after you retired, not all of your membership may count towards a pension for them. The amount of survivor's pension depends on a number of factors, please contact us for the details applicable to your circumstances.

What should the person who is looking after my affairs do?

When you die, it is important that whoever is looking after your affairs lets us know as soon as possible. They can either contact us directly or use the government's Tell Us Once service which allows you to report a death to most government organisations in one go. The Registrar will give them details about this service.